Tired of Losing the Battle Against Porn?

“No one knows that I struggle with this…"


SEVEN Weeks. ELEVEN Bible Lessons. Lasting VICTORY.

SET FREE is a brand new online program designed to combat addiction to pornography and sexual sin. It's grounded in Biblical truth, action, and community.

7 Video Sessions

Pastors Toby Sumpter, Jeff Durbin and Doug Wilson teach, encourage, and equip you to fight the life-long battle against porn, sexual sin and temptation.

In-Depth Bible Study

An in-depth, corresponding Bible study designed to take alone or in community that will get you on the path towards sexual sanity.  

Different Approach

The most common solution to porn addiction includes preventative measures such as internet filters.  Set Free gets to the heart of the matter.


Lasting Victory

You've tried all the tricks and devices and checks to stop viewing porn and engaging in sexual sin. But until you completely retrain your heart, nothing will change. We'll show you how to do just that.

"I myself have been battling a porn addiction for about 10 years or so. This course has REALLY filled in the big gaps that were missing. I’ve tried everything out there for help with porn addiction but there were things left undone that are exactly what this course teaches and does! So very vital to true relief from the addiction, a true and real way to be Set Free."

- Andy B.

"I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am for this! I feel amazingly better about myself and my direction since I started this course than I have in about 10-12 years! I have "real" and "true" hope! I am FINALLY getting my self-worth back!"

- Tom G.

"I have been struggling with pornography since I was a young teen. I am 23 now with a wife and kid still fighting the same fight. Thank you for coming up with a program that helps people like me deal with the source of this epidemic that is plaguing the church and the world."

- MacGregor T.

Victory is Near

Satan wants nothing more than for you to believe you are a lost cause. There IS HOPE - and now there IS HELP. Freedom from pornography and sexual sin is available to you. Don't believe the lie that your past defines your future. It's time to take control of your life. It's time to finally be SET FREE.

You're Serious About Winning this Battle. We Are Too.

We have individual and group pricing. For a group of 50+ people or a larger church-wide license, we'll work with you on custom pricing. Just email us: [email protected]!

Set Free Individual


One-Time, No Subscription

*Lifetime Access to Set Free

*7 Video Lessons

*120+ Minutes of HD Content

*Bible-Based Study Guides

*Resource Guides


Set Free Small Group


One-Time: Up to 20 People

*Lifetime Access to Set Free

*7 Video Lessons

*120+ Minutes of HD Content

*Bible-Based Study Guides

*Resource Guides


Set Free Large Group


One-Time: Up to 50 People

*Lifetime Access to Set Free

*7 Video Lessons

*120+ Minutes of HD Content

*Bible-Based Study Guides

*Resource Guides


About Group Pricing

SET FREE is designed to use both individually or in a small group at church. We've put together the above special discounted pricing for groups based on size. To purchase a group license, simply click on the group size above.

Once you've completed the group purchase, you will find a printable PDF of the entire study guide for your group members. You can obtain individual logins for the other members of your group by emailing us at [email protected] with the list of names and emails that you would like to add to your group purchase.

This will allow everyone in your group to ask questions, leave comments, track their progress, and come back to the course in the future as needed. Your privacy is important to us. Names will not be publicly disclosed and can be adjusted by the user in their settings.


50% Complete

Two Step

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